भारतीय शिक्षा समिति , उत्तर प्रदेश

सरस्वती कुञ्ज , निरालानगर, लखनऊ

Swadeshi Jagaran

This is the true essence of patriotism. In recent years, multinational organizations have significantly strengthened their dominance in India. They are influencing our national economy. Our country is increasingly becoming economically dependent. In opposition to these anti-national economic powers, Vidya Bharati organizes various programs under the name of Swadeshi Jagaran (Awakening of Nationalism).

Through this program, students, teachers, and parents are educated about the use of products made by pure Indian companies and inspired to boycott products made by multinational companies. A list of Swadeshi products has been created, and some schools have also implemented systems for the sale of these products, without taking any commission.

Vidya Bharati has introduced Swadeshi as a compulsory subject in its schools. Swadeshi Week is celebrated in every school.

आज का सुविचार

“ईश्वर ही ईश्वर की उपलब्थि कर सकता है। सभी जीवंत ईश्वर हैं–इस भाव से सब को देखो। मनुष्य का अध्ययन करो, मनुष्य ही जीवन्त काव्य है। जगत में जितने ईसा या बुद्ध हुए हैं, सभी हमारी ज्योति से ज्योतिष्मान हैं। इस ज्योति को छोड़ देने पर ये सब हमारे लिए और अधिक जीवित नहीं रह सकेंगे, मर जाएंगे। तुम अपनी आत्मा के ऊपर स्थिर रहो। “

“स्वामी विवेकानंद”

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